Joe Biden has made the American people a promise. He says that on his first day in office, he’ll have President Donald Trump arrested for treason. Luckily, he won’t ever step foot in the oval office, so it isn’t really an issue. Still, Biden is insisting that Trump has somehow committed crimes:
“Look, the guy is a whackadoo. He’s nuts. He’s a madman. He’s an orange buffoon so far out of his league he’s using the wrong ball.
“He needs to go. He needs to be charged with treason. He needs to be held accountable for the lies. For the death. For the failure to lead. He needs to spend the rest of his life in jail.”
Nobody can verify that Biden spoke those words publicly, but someone very familiar with his basement says the former Vice-President is feeling very cocky and believes he’s going to win in November by a landslide.
Now it looks like he may be breaking the law himself by promising retribution on his political enemies, which would be a serious abuse of the power of the presidency.
According to the DOJ, Biden himself could be investigated just for suggesting using the office against his opponent. That the mere thought of such a thing should send chills down the spine of patriotic Americans:
“Joe Biden is destroying the respect of the office by so much as suggesting using it to hurt other people. Trump was allowed to do it because he was elected by such a clear majority. If Biden wins, it will be by cheating and in no way legal.”
There you have it, folks. The rules are different for people like Trump, because they make a difference. Joe Biden. if he does win, he needs to follow the rules, or else the American people will rise up. We’re not gonna allow tyranny from a Democrat.