When we turn on the television on Saturday nights, NBC treats us to their premiere sketch comedy program, Saturday Night Live, which has been running for nearly five decades now.  The “Not Ready for Prime Time” players make us laugh to forget about what’s going on in the world.

Or, conversely, they make a lot of fun about what’s happening on the political stage.  And that’s where Alec Baldwin came in.

In the age of President Trump, the venerable program needed a star that could ably ape the tangerine Titan, and no one could do it better than Baldwin.  But show producer Lorne Michaels wasn’t extremely happy with the megaactor’s behavior, and turned to the courts to voice his displeasure.

“Mr. Baldwin was a nasty case on the show,” relates Micheals’ spokesperson Joe Barron.  “He was a little diva all the time, carrying a prop gun with him and pointing it at everyone…making faces at Lorne with those squinky Trump eyes.  It was very unnerving.”

Micheals pressed that he’s filed a criminal case suit against the 30 Rock veteran for making Saturday Night Live an uncomfortable workplace.  The Baldwin family has not yet responded.

“He more or less really became Trump on the show,” finished Barron.  “And we aren’t going to tolerate that kind of dickslap within our cast.”


  1. Ron

    Baldwin is a F**king Moron he needs to be locked up!

  2. 🍕 💩

    Stop whining and be grateful he didn’t cock the gun without pulling the trigger 😉

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