AOC is organizing a flag-burning “ceremony” on the 4th of July to “protest the indecency of the Supreme Court’s actions against the people of the United States.” Because flag burning is legal, as long as they aren’t government owned, the congresswoman from New York plans to live stream the event from coast to coast.

“Everyone who wants to can join in,” she said, “we want the whole country to light up with the sight of burning flags and the smell of the failed state of America burning!” The statement went out on her Twitter account, Instagram, and Facebook, but was immediately taken down as hate speech.

“We don’t allow calls for violence,” said Meta in a statement, “and we’re afraid that this perfectly legal 1st Amendment protest will bring the cultist Trump nutbags out, and someone may actually get hurt.”

The Congresswoman also admitted that she may not have thought it through, as there are “millions of morons willing to cause actual people harm over a piece of cloth or a song.”

She’s not wrong, patriots. Had this thing gone down and there was a flag burning near my house, I’d go outside and shake my fist at it for sure. I might even have strong words. Because the flag is sacred. God said so in the Magna Carta. Right before he blessed America as the greatest nation on earth.


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