The cold war on Christmas has apparently heated up again, this time, in the form of a burning Christmas tree at Fox News HQ.
The depraved act was witnessed by several witnesses, one of which was a veteran of the War on Christmas, Sgt. Noel of the 456th Reindeer Division.
He gave us his account of events:
“There I was, sitting around enjoying my evening, when out of nowhere some Antifas pop out of the bushes with molotov cocktails which they then started throwing at the magnificent Christmas tree. Within seconds it was engulfed in flames. The poor tree didn’t stand a chance.
As a veteran, it was my duty to defend Christmas, so I chased them off with full intent to kick their asses if I caught them. Alas, they were too swift for me since I only have one leg as a result of the gingerbread bombing of 2012.”
Later in the day, Antifa Command issued a statement claiming responsibility for the tree burning, saying that they are sending a message of fear to all those that celebrate Christmas. They also went on to make fun of Sgt. Noel for having one leg and not being able to catch the perpetrators.
This is truly sickening that we can’t even have Christmas trees in this country anymore thanks to Biden and the Democrats. This is simply un-American.
We must make Christmas great again!