Do you remember Jon Erik Hexum?  He was the star actor of an unassuming 80’s television show called “Voyagers”, which was just making it’s way to the top.  Hexum was hailed as the next up-and-coming studly star.

In a terribly tragic event, Hexum was killed by a shot from a prop gun on the set.

Do you remember Brandon Lee, the son of martial arts legend Bruce?  He was also tragically killed on the set of his movie “The Crow” by what?  Yep, another “prop” gun.  There weren’t any trials or showcase charges for either of these people.

So what makes Alec Baldwin so special?  His politics, basically.  Conservative Americans, mostly all smelling of mothballs and wheeling around their own oxygen, want Baldwin crucified for something that was clearly the propmaster’s fault.  “He should have double checked the gun,” goes their reasoning.

My daddy should have double checked mommy’s IUD before going to tuna town.

There’s so much wrong with that, it’s hard to know where to begin.  It’s a prop gun, checked by the propmaster.  It’s not his responsibility.  It’s a goddamn MOVIE set.  Nobody’s rechecking props every ten seconds.  It was an accident.  Plain and simple.

Which is exactly what judge Joseph Barron said in the fifteenth precinct courthouse yesterday as he let Baldwin free.  No jail time, no bail, case dismissed.

What will happen next?  Well, I assume Baldwin will relax for a while and let the whole thing blow over, and then reinvigorate his career in a couple of years with a role from either Quentin Tarantino or Netflix.


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