When you’re given lemons, you make lemonade, goes the old salt.  It appears that fired CNN host Don Lemon is jockeying to be the new Country Time.

Starting in June, the journalist and broadcaster will be moving to Western Asia in Quatar to be the head of programming at Al Jazeera News Network, the reporting hub for Europe and Asian news, as well as promoting coverage worldwide.

Lemon is notably excited at the prospect, and posted a video for all of his still-fans regarding his new location and position.

“My friends, your old pal Don is coming back, and he’s bringing you more of the stories you don’t normally see.  Get ready to be glued to Al Jazeera News in June for the new Don Lemon’s American Voice program in June.  You won’t want to miss a second!  Salaam alechim!”

Network President Sheik Joesephi Barron’a’queef was reportedly very pleased with his new acquisition, and has promised a brand new take on continuing reportage of world events.

“Mr. Lemon will offer us an American’s view on the Ukraine, and France, and yes, even the current Kevin Bacon controversy.  We very much enjoy Kevin Bacon here.  Flatliners, you know?  Is very good, the Flatliners.  Also the Hollow Man.  Riveting.”

Friends and colleagues are very confident that Lemon will settle in well with his new hosts.  Call your cable provider and demand Al Jazeera, my friends.

Or, you could just go to the flea market and buy a jailbroken fire stick box and it’s all free.  That’s what I did.

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