Democrats are known to hate America and look upon our veterans with disdain. This hatred of country seems to get worse and worse each year, the farther left the party moves. This time, the leftist mob known as “The Squad,” decided to be cute and make fun of America ln hero and Congressman Dan Crenshaw by dressing as pirates.

Crenshaw, who was a Navy Seal with 252 confirmed kills, lost an eye as he was defending an Iraqi orphanage from an attack by the Si’ith sect. It was there where he saved a group of orphans by catching a grenade and tossing it away before it could detonate.

Unfortunately, a piece of shrapnel took out one of his eyes and now he wears a patch to cover this wound of war.

Apparently, the do-nothing Democrats don’t know or don’t care about this brave hero’s sacrifice as they showed up to a congressional hearing wearing pirate garb in order to mock Crenshaw.

Ilhan Omar reportedly said the following during the meeting:

“I’m tired of this clown making a mockery of Congress. He comes in here every day dressed like a pirate. It’s inappropriate and embarrassing.

So if he can do it, we will do it to! Until he quits dressing like that, we will continue to dress like pirates to raise awareness of his stupidity.

Congress is not a place to play make-believe. We have enough of that when they talk about trickle-down economics. If he wants to play pirate, he should go to Somalia. They’ll gladly take him in as one of their own.”

This is more trashy behavior from Democrats. They should learn to respect our veterans and history.

They need to be thrown out of the country since they obviously don’t like freedom.


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