Ever since this health crisis began, Nancy Pelosi and her Democrats have stalled aid to the American people and used the situation as an excuse to fund pet projects and line their own pockets. This year, they have proven that the well-being of the American people is not on their agenda.
With the second stimulus plan now stuck in Congress because of Democrat stonewalling, Pelosi has finally revealed her ultimate agenda. She has shown her hand, making it clear once again what she has wanted for years and is now holding America hostage in order to achieve it.
Democrats have always opposed Social Security. It offends their liberal values which see the elderly in our population as a nuisance to be disposed of. Values like loyalty to family are lost on these people.
In the latest list of conditions for aid to come from Speaker Pelosi, one item, in particular, stands out. She called for a complete and total defunding of Social Security, threatening to stall the stimulus bill indefinitely unless this happened.
She obviously thought that this notion would slip by undetected in her massive list of thousands of other conditions and that the bill would be rubberstamped by Republicans who are desperate to give the public the help they need, but one sharp young congressional aide caught it and exposed Pelosi’s cruelty.
His name is Joe Barron, a brilliant young 28-year-old volunteer aide to Senator Sandy Batt (R) of Idaho. He was given the proposed Democrat Bill as busywork, just something to keep him busy, but he takes every task given to him seriously and gave it his all. Saving the retirement incomes of millions seniors wound up being his reward. He was beaming as he described his happiness at this outcome:
“I knew there had to be something. After all, Nancy is the devil. Nobody seems to be caring too much. They just wanted to bring some happiness to the American people and get it out there as quickly as possible. I did too, but I was given a job and so I wanted to do it right.
But then there it was. A clause that would’ve seen an end to an income source that our seniors paid until all of their lives. Pelosi wanted to screw them, leave them with nothing, and toss them out on the street.
I brought it to the attention of my boss and she was dismayed. The clause was quickly stricken. Nancy did not win on this day.”
Barron is said to have been offered a permanent paid position on Batt’s staff following his incredible find. He deserves it. Good job Joe!