Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are doing everything they can to take advantage of the medical crisis in America for their own benefit. They’re not interested in helping the American people get through this difficult time. Rather, they are interested only in propping up social problems and lining their own pockets as usual.
We all know about the amount of pork added to the first stimulus bill, extra expenditures that total more than $1 trillion that was of no benefit to the general public. This was met with outrage nationwide and for good reason. But they don’t care and they’re at it again and on one particular point, they are playing hardball.
Pelosi has drawn a line in the sand with regard to the new Aid Bill. That line is abortion.
The leftists in government are refusing to pass a new bill without massive funding to the abortion industry in the United States. They don’t just want previous funding for Planned Parenthood to be restored but want it to be increased tenfold. That would mean $700 billion given to the baby murder industry.
Her recent speech in the House laid out the Democrat demands:
“We’re not messing around this time. This point we will not give up.
People of America, do you need help during these trying times? Well, we will give it to you, but you have to give us something in return. A little quid pro quo is all it is.
Abortion funding has been all but eliminated by the Trump government and that will not stand. This is a multibillion dollar industry and provides a valuable service. Additionally, they are a environmentally friendly service, wasting no parts in their operations. Removed products are all used and primarily are sold to others for many purposes ranging from medical research, to a vitality drink, to fetishism. Nothing is wasted and all income is returned to the clinics for use in providing their primary service.
For now, we are still a capitalist country and as such, should give these clinics the short-term boost they need to get back to their role in the American society and economy, that being job creation and population control.
Everybody can keep their homes through this time as long as you cough up this dough.”
This woman is an evil monster. Everything that she’s ever proposed in these fables goes against God and basic decency. She needs to be voted out of office before America turns into a den of sin.