Bruce Springsteen is riding high.  That is, except for his little “drag” performances and his being retroactively removed from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame because of them.  But guess what?

If you like bringing a pistol or two in your purse or fanny pack to the live concert you’re about to attend, you can forget about it at a Springsteen show and hope you’re seated next to a fire axe.  Because weapons, guns, and firearms are NOT allowed at any of his shows.

That’s right.  The Boss himself has declared his concerts “Gun Free Zones”, and is instructing his security and entry personnel to confiscate any of them right at the gate.

How is this any different from any other concert, you might ask?  Well, it’s not.  Every concert on planet earth does searches at the gate and disallows firearms to be brought in.  See, this lessens the chances of a psycho getting in and going all Alec Baldwin.

But what is being done with the weapons that security people are confiscating?  Sandy Batt of Eagleton Security Services let us in on the scoop.

“What we do, as per instructions from The Boss himself, is we melt them down and there’s a factory that makes them into instruments ; trumpets, trombones, the like.  It’s very zen.”

Springsteen’s next show may be in YOUR town soon.  I guess you know where to rob people of their weed now, huh?


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