The Obama clan has long hated America and the hatred grew once Obama came to power. He used his power as president to be a tyrant. Obama silenced conservatives, had them arrested in unmarked vans, and used executive orders to bypass Congress. His reign was nothing short of a dictatorship. So it comes as no surprise that his daughters hate America too.
According to a report by the Dunning-Kruger Times, Malia Obama was seen at a gathering of antifas, in which they were burning the flag, chanting “Death to America.” These fictitious claims are supported by eyewitness Joe Barron, who we interviewed:
“Oh yeah, that was definitely Malia. Some guy from the Trump campaign even paid me to say that so it has to be true. Why else would they pay me for that? You don’t pay for fake information. I definitely saw her. I think she even stomped the flag herself and started cursing at Trump and saying horrible things about his supporters. She has no class.”
Of course, the police did nothing as they were paid off by the Obamas. Only the elites can get away with these kinds of crimes. The rest of us would be locked up, but the antifas get special treatment since their benefactors own the local police.
We knew Malia was a miscreant and a malcontent, but this brings her level of misdeeds to a new low. Petty theft was one thing, but being a fictional event to dishonor our flag, country, and President is treason. She needs to be arrested and put on trial for her crimes against the state.
These antifas need to be made an example of. Tar and feather them in the town square. That’s how they did it in the gold old days. We need to make America great like the 1600s again.