Democrats have been coming after seniors for decades, especially social security. The trend seems to be continuing with the current batch of miscreants. Kamala Harris is one such miscreant, calling for the abolition of social security benefits for seniors.
At her acceptance speech, Harris had the following to say about her plans for the social security benefits program:
“Social Security has run its course. It is no longer effective. It is a drain on the federal budget and we simply do not have the funds for it. Our military is much more important and they need more funding which we will give them by fitting social security.
Social security is wasteful and unnecessary compared to our military which is woefully underfunded. The soldiers don’t even have guns to practice with so they are forced to use broomsticks in training. It’s a travesty to see our great nation so weak and powerless.
I will make it great again. Seniors will be dead soon anyway, so I’d rather see that finding go where it’s needed, defending our oil interests abroad.
This is only the first step in our plan. Next, we will be coming for the wasteful Medicare program. Dead people don’t need healthcare and are much less expensive to maintain.”
This just shows how little Democrats care about the people of our country. They’d rather waste money on the military that already gets over half of our federal spending. It’s downright shameful.
This spending is wasteful and needs to stop immediately and it is why we need strong fiscal conservatives to cut back the bloat of military spending. People are more important than endless wars and it’s time Democrats learn this simple fact.
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