Newly appointed running mate to Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, has a past. It is a dark, disgusting, revolting past. Many details of those previous years are now coming to light as she enters her new role where she hopes to help lead the entire nation.

Harris spent many years as a prosecutor in California. The Democrats would have you believe that she was tough on crime and oversaw a great reform of justice there. While it is true that she jailed many people, though generally based solely on race, it is also true that she rejected the opportunity to imprison some of the states more appallingly and depraved offenders.

Biggest among those that she declined to prosecute were child predators. Given many opportunities to take prolific offenders off the streets, she opted not to bother more than 60 percent of the time. She’s cited lack of evidence more often than not, but we know that’s not true. She’s a Democrat. She was protecting her own.

One name, in particular, stands out on the mile-long list of perverts she refused to throw in jail – Jeffrey Epstein could have gone to trial under her watch. California police presented her with a strong case, but, not surprisingly, she would not see it through, to the outrage of law-enforcement.

Detective Joe Barron walked us through the strong evidence that was presented to Harris to have Epstein put away:

“We had that guy. There isn’t a jury in the world that would not have convicted him based on what we had collected.

The strongest proof we had was a guy who knew a guy who heard from a guy who is cousins with another guy who said that Jeffrey Epstein was doing unnamed bad things. We had an eyewitness and he was willing to testify for us.

As if that wasn’t enough, we also told her that he was guilty. We swore to it. A whole bunch of police officers were willing to say so in court. She asked what evidence we had other than the eyewitness that she didn’t like? We replied that she had our word and the courts always believe the police.

Despite all that, she still wouldn’t take it to court. We figured she might be a part of Epstein’s scheme. Now that Trump has told us the Democrats are all pedos, we now know it.”

Is this the kind of woman that anybody wants to potentially run this country? She would create a nation of lawlessness and put all children at risk. She would put adrenochrome on supermarket shelves and sell babies on Facebook marketplace. She is evil she must be stopped.


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