Now it’s come to this.

A woman, 53-year old Sandra Batt of Queef County, California, has filed a federal lawsuit against ABC television networks as well as the company “Tardproducts LLC” for airing a commercial four days ago that she felt was : “very very exclusively Christian.”

Batt is referring to the company’s newest ad for the “GaySwatter”, a small hand- held device, much like a fly swatter, except with a rainbow colored tint that is advertised to “swat away the gays” from any gathering that the owner may be in.  It retails for $19.95, but according the the ad, you can get two and a pocket constitution for that price.

The commercial also speculates that the GaySwatter device : “upholds all of your religious values and is beloved by Jesus”.  Luis Colon of ABC’s legal team struck back this morning.

“First of all, it’s perfectly legal to have a commercial for an exclusively Christian product.  So I don’t know what she’s so upset about.  I mean, isn’t she Christian like everyone else in America and loving of the great Jesus Christ?  What is she, on of those Jews?”

The LGBTQ community is already up in arms about the product, and has protested their construction at the main factory in Sisterspouse, Texas.  More than eleventy hundred protesters showed up.

“This is an abomination,” says baseball seam stitcher Clete Torris of the GaySwatter.  “And it doesn’t even work.  I broke four of them on my boyfriend’s penis.”


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