Democrats have a long history of fraud and deception. Their last president, Barack Obama, was not born in the contiguous United States, and according to some experts, it seems like their latest VP may not be from here either.

This has led to the state of Florida to take action.

A spokesman for the Governor, Joe Barron, had this to say of the decision:

“As with all candidates, prior to the state putting them on the ballot, they are thoroughly vetted. So the same was done for Kamala Harris. It’s nothing unusual since we do it for everyone. During this vetting, we noticed a multitude of discrepancies in her records.

We first noticed that she didn’t have a Florida birth certificate. Her’s was from some other state. How can you be on a Florida ballot if you’re not from Florida? That makes no sense to us.

Second, we noticed that many people were saying she slept her way to the top. We looked into this and found out it was some story about Harris falling asleep on an elevator as it was going up. We can’t have someone with narcolepsy or whatever being Vice President. We need a strong leader, one who can stay awake unlike Sleepy Joe and Kooky Kamala.

Between these two reasons, the Florida Board of Ballots made the decision to pull the Biden/Harris ticket from the state ballot. She is ineligible to be Vice President because we said so and to go against our President is treasonous and we here in Florida are certainly not traitors to the crown.”

This is great news for Americans! With this decision, Trump is now guaranteed to win the state of Florida in the election.

Florida is an important swing state, and by winning it, he has significantly increased his odds of winning in a landslide.


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