Nancy Pelosi‘s problem with alcohol is well known to everyone across America. She is an absolute wreck, unable to control the raging demon of alcoholism inside her.

Her alcoholism has already affected her work and now it is taking an emotional toll on her family life. Rumor has it that both her daughters, Jasmine and Magdalene, have grown tired of her and don’t want her depraved influence around their young children.

Grandma Pelosi has been barred from seeing any of her grandchildren until she seeks treatment for her problem.

Their decision apparently came after the second birthday party last week for Jasmine’s daughter, Chloe. As she normally does, Speaker Pelosi showed up to the affair completely tanked. She proceeded to slur and fall over the place, making a complete ass out of herself and scaring all of the toddlers.

It’s been reported that at one point, Pelosi picked up her grandchild and stumbled, the child, fortunately, being rescued by her father, Joe Barron, before she could be hurt. That appears to have been the final straw.

Jasmine and her sister, who was also attending the soirée, laid down the law for their mother. One witness describes that statement is having gone like this:

“Mom, that’s enough. You are disgusting and stupid. I hate you. We hate you. Please go away. You cannot see our children until you get help. They’re scared of you. They don’t want you around. You’re barred from them. Do you understand?

Before you go mom, can you bring me a drink? It’s the least you could do.

Mmmmm. That’s good. Ok. You can stay.”

From what we understand, Pelosi is absolutely devastated by the prospect of not seeing her young grandchildren again. Despite that, she has yet to make an effort to seek help, much like the fans of this page that sorely need mental help.


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