The Qanon movement has been growing by leaps and bounds the past few years, spurred by the election of our President Trump. It’s an assembly of patriots who seek the truth about what is happening in America and around the world.
A mysterious leader, Q, regularly exposes the cabal’s horrific misdeeds and lets his followers know what the deep state has been getting away with and what it is capable of.
It is, essentially, a gathering of good people united together to do good things. Whether it be saving the world from the shadow government or freeing the hundreds of thousands of children, bound in slavery by the mole people, in underground tunnels across the country, the Qanon movement is all about making the world a better place.
It’s no coincidence that many of the enemies revealed by Q are liberals and Democrats. It is their missing moral code that has created the need for the Qanon movement. As such, the people of Q threaten the Democrat way of life. This is why they dismiss “Qumans” as “nothing more than a collection of conspiracy nuts,” “a bunch of candidates for an asylum”, and now something new – a terrorist organization.
In particular, presidential hopeful Joe Biden has taken to referring to Qanon as a terrorist organization with Q as its terrorist leader. They claim that the ideas its followers present will lead to violence and a “distortion of the American way of life”.
Biden explained his rationale to a reporter for the Dunning-Kruger Times recently. A portion of that interview follows:
“These people, these ‘Qumans’ as they are called, blindly follow some guy on the Internet. They’ve never seen him, they don’t know his name or his position. They know nothing about him except for a letter. A letter, by the way, that was undoubtedly taken from Star Trek, as Q was an all-knowing all-capable type on that show. In other words the Q they follow so loyally fancies himself to be a god.
Qism is conspiracy 101 – make a lengthy series of baseless claims about an invisible enemy that wants to do you harm. This makes the audience suspicious of everyone.
Then, describe how the enemy will be dealt with. Make announcements as to what will happen and win. There’s no need to follow through and make your predictions a reality. When they fail, just blame it on more shadowy, evil figures that are all part of the conspiracy as well.
Q is never right. Nothing he predicts ever happens, yet those who adore him are unfazed. That makes them idiots. And paranoid, suspicious idiots are dangerous.
That’s why, on my first day in office, Qanon will be labeled a terrorist movement and those who adhere to its nonsense will be hunted down and institutionalized.
The Antifa as terrorists label will, of course, be removed because that’s just dumb.”
Joe Biden doesn’t want the corruption of himself and his fellow Democrats to be exposed to the world. That is the only reason he opposes Q. Qanons are not terrorists. They are impartial, intellectual, rational members of society who want nothing more than peace on earth.